Python snippets #2

Some code snippets taken from: Nifty python tricks.

my_dict = {i: i * i for i in xrange(100)} 
my_set = {i * 15 for i in xrange(100)}

import ast 
expr = "[1, 2, 3]" 
my_list = ast.literal_eval(expr)

# Debugging - set breakpoint in your code:
import pdb
# Profiling
python -m cProfile

Using list.reverse() reverses the list in-place. If we want a copy leaving the original list (or string) intact:

# Also for strings -
a = [1,2,3,4]
reversed = a[::-1]

from pprint import pprint 

According to this Reddit thread, the most common / useful Python modules.

  • sys, os, math, shutil, tempfile, re, string, glob
  • collections
  • csv
  • datetime
  • unittest
  • json / ujson
  • buildout
  • BeautifulSoup
  • docopt / argparse / optparse
  • decimal
  • hashlib
  • itertools, functools
  • urllib, urllib2, urlparse, requests, httplib, smtplib
  • socket
  • io (StringIO, BytesIO)
  • subprocess
  • logging
  • operator
  • random
  • pickle / cpickle
  • gzip
  • xml.etree.ElementTree
  • numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • configparser
  • struct, copy
  • pprint
  • timeit
  • mechanize, selenium

From this reddit thread, a way to wrap requests to the requests module:

class RequestError(Exception):
def _try_page(url, attempt_number=1):
    max_attempts = 3
        response = requests.get(url)
    except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, socket_error, S3ResponseError, BotoServerError) as e:
        if attempt_number < max_attempts:
            attempt = attempt_number + 1
            return _try_page(url, attempt_number=attempt)
            raise RequestError('max retries exceed when trying to get the page at %s' % url)
    return response

From this interesting article, how to implement a "Fuzzy Search" (like the ones in Sublime Text or vim's Ctrl+P) with python and regexps. The idea is to convert the requested string (abc) into a regexp (a.*b.*c.*) and then sort the results by the length of the match group:

>>> collection = ['', '', '',
                  '', 'api_user.doc', 'user_group.doc', 'accounts.txt', ]
>>> import re     # regex module from standard library.
>>> def fuzzyfinder(user_input, collection):
        suggestions = []
        pattern = '.*'.join(user_input)   # Converts 'djm' to 'd.*j.*m'
        regex = re.compile(pattern)  # Compiles a regex.
        for item in collection:
            match =   # Checks if the current item matches the regex.
            if match:
                suggestions.append((len(, match.start(), item))
        return [x for _, _, x in sorted(suggestions)]
>>> print fuzzyfinder('mig', collection)
['', '', '', '']

conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='username',
                       passwd='password', db='database',

And when each cursor is created:

cur.execute('SET NAMES utf8;')
cur.execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8;')
cur.execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8;')


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  • programacion/tutoriales/python/snippets2.txt
  • Última modificación: 08-03-2016 11:15
  • por sromero